applications of geotextile (1)-min

Applications of geotextile in various fields

What is geotextile for?

The geotextile cloth is often used in the construction of the base of various buildings and constructions. Its tasks can be varied:
  • cover from moisture;
  • separation of mass formations and prevention of their gradual silting;
  • maintaining the uniformity of the load exerted by buildings on the soil mass;
  • improving the quality of gravel layers and increasing drainage;
  • help to strengthen structures and technical solutions.
Such an application requires a reinforced tissue that serves for a long time, does not collapse from water and does not freeze. However, the reinforcing layer only slightly improves the properties of the material itself, and its density is crucial. To create drainage and wipe the moisture under the base of the house, you need to take a canvas with indicators of 0.15 – 0.2 kg per 1 square. mFor the external protection of foundations and the separation of debris and sand layers, a fabric weight of 0.25 – 0.3 kg is recommended. To distribute the load on the floor and block the effect of proliferating soil, textiles with at least 0.35 kg per square meter are used. m

By removing up to 100 cm of soil, the load-bearing capacity of the soil is increased and its swelling under poorly immersed structures is prevented. This layer is replaced by non-metallic loose minerals. As reinforcement, geotextiles made of monotonous polypropylene filaments are used, which also prevent the mixing of earth masses and backfill material. It is recommended to use the same material for technical communication from seasonal ground movements.

applications of geotextile (1)-min

Put the drainage layers with geological cloth at the top and bottom, then they will not be overfilled with silt.

Perforated drainage can also be clogged with muddy sediments. To avoid this, a polymeric nonwoven material with a specific mass of 0.2 kg per m² is wound up. The same composition (or slightly less dense) is used to protect the liquid and thermal insulation of strip foundations. When digging trenches, after pounding, a textile with a density of at least 0.3 kg per 1 m2 is placed on a sand cushion. This solution allows you to simultaneously block the wetting of the base of the foundation and make the garbage tight.

You can find more about buy geotextile sheets in different grammages in this page and geotextiles Types woven and nonwoven geotextiles in this post.

If the foundation is made of precast concrete elements, textiles with bitumen mastic or other water-resistant mixtures are glued to the blocks. It is very important to seal all the seams that separate neighboring canvases. Plots on stilts require the use of canvas only in case of organization of the base. When the piles are collected, the distance between them is detached from the ground. On the strip of geotextiles mounted overlay layer:

  • gravel;
  • sand;
  • gravel;
  • simple cement.

In the construction of the basement, mainly a Hydrobex material based on polypropylene endless yarns is used. An alternative to this is the use of needle-polyester material in the form of the same endless fibers. Stitching and weaving types cannot be used for this purpose. The dewatering properties and material density are crucial for the final selection. The canvases supplied from Western European countries are generally of high quality, but the cost of transport makes them very expensive.

Choosing a geotextile fabric for a pond has the characteristics. The material that gardeners and gardeners usually use to protect against weeds is too thin in this case. It is necessary to use a coating with a greater thickness, externally resembling a felt that has undergone thermal sintering. The advantages of this option are:

  • strength (difficulty of breaking);
  • no risk of rot;
  • relative softness and duplication of relief, the actual adaptation to it.

applications of geotextile (2)-min

Preventing water flowering and reducing the need to clean the soil is achieved by dark varieties of pond textiles.

The role of geological textiles in the formation of artificial ponds is not limited to covering waterproofing from destruction and hardening. It is very important that this tool blocks the flowering of water and prevents sand and gravel from accumulating in some places. The waterproofing film placed on the floor prevents water from leaving the container. But only its overlap with geological textiles prevents a breakthrough in crop protection and sharp edges of stones. No less important amplification function.

Scattering the walls of the pit dug in the dry sand is almost inevitable. When sandy stones get wet, they erode. An additional negative factor is the installation of heavy waterproof walls. All these influences and processes are reliably suppressed geopolitically and the house pond is made a stable body of water. It will even be possible to move along the substrate, carry out various works and without fear of damaging the main part of the pit.

In any case, the installation is carried out in a prepared bowl. Since it is not possible to predict the exact amount in advance, it is not necessary to buy the product in advance. Before the start of the layout, all sharp objects are removed from the ground, and the irregularities of the relief, which are not necessary, are sprinkled or removed with sand and earth. As with the production of foundations, the work is carried out with a strip on top of each other of 150 – 200 mm

Garden geotextiles are mainly the so-called dornite or non-woven needlepunch. Do not confuse it with the brand “Dornit”. Absolute resistance to putrefactive processes and pathological fungi, aggressive means of agrochemistry and weeds, adaptability to the given form make Dornit very popular. In order to read more about this subject we suggest you the article named advantages of geosynthetics on green roofs.

If you are interested in getting more familiar with different geotextiles types we refer you to the article on Geotextiles Types – Woven and nonwoven geotextiles on our blog.

When applying geotextiles in the garden, the following can be provided:

  • complete drainage of moisture;
  • air circulation in the soil;
  • demarcation of land strata, which differ in their composition and are equally necessary;
  • the restraint of small chunks of earth;
  • prevention of soil erosion;
  • Prevent the negative effects of harmful insects, frost or hail.

applications of geotextile (3)-min

This material was highly appreciated not only by the owners of gardens and gardens, but also by landscape architects. After all, the weeds from different plants are needed to the same extent or even more than the main plantings of weeds. The solution to the problem is simple: the geotextiles lying on the ground are equipped with recesses for germination only of crops. It can be considered a high-tech analogue of such a process as mulching. By varying the placement of textiles, you can also redirect the roots in the desired direction.

Garden geotextiles are good for protecting fruit in winter or protecting them from sunburn on hot days. In addition to the use in agriculture and in the decorative field, the possibilities for strengthening the slopes are great. A simple earth slope under the influence of precipitation and wind inevitably collapses.

A prerequisite for the protection of slopes with geological layers is the combination with geogrids. The lining ensures the separation of substances and helps the filler to stay in the cells. Since a lot of water flows through the textile barrier, it can be considered a reverse filter. The installation takes place in the form of layers at different heights and thus the inclination becomes mechanically more durable. Very good results are achieved when tilting to 60 degrees.

Geotextiles are not only used in working with the soil and waters, another purpose is the arrangement of the exploited roof. A number of builders and architects have long paid attention to this material, as it successfully withstands a large number of harmful factors.

In order to meet the demand, for example, the company TechnoNicol, which was able to offer a durable and cost-effective needle hole product, left. The performance is enhanced by thermal bonding.

Thanks to the fleece, weeds can not penetrate into the main structure and the overall service life increases sharply. On simple flat roofs, it serves geopolitically as a reliable protection for waterproofing membranes. It is desirable to cover them not only from above, but also from below. Needle-stamped rollers are useful as lining under soft tiles arranged on the slopes of roofs. The page on which the geotextile is located does not matter.

In order to bind the web, they are welded, sewn or joined together with construction clamps. A welded joint requires an overlap of 100 mm. The burner must be approximately 200 mm from the surface; The detection radius of the heated surface is more important than the heating power. The porous structure almost completely eliminates the risk of constipation. Even a long increase in load does not negatively affect the material.

If you are interested in reading applications of geosynthetics in general the article Geosynthetics and its functions would be the best for you.

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